Health & Wellness

Health Information

School Health Services provided throughout the school year include review of required 11th grade physicals and state mandated immunizations, monitoring and developing school health plans for student with chronic illnesses and conducting screenings for growth, vision and hearing at designated times. The school nurse may also assist families seeking local primary health care providers or health insurance for their child.

If your child needs counseling or behavioral health services, please contact Member Services at the phone number on the back of your child’s insurance card.

Medication will be administered only when a student requires the medication in school and it cannot be given outside of school hours, please see specific regulations and requirements related to medication in school below.

Students may also see the school nurse for acute illnesses or injuries which occur during the school day with a pass from the classroom teacher.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities for Students’ Health Requirements:

  • Provide results of recent physical examination in 11th grade or upon transfer into SMHS.
  • Provide most recent immunization history and update immunizations as required by mandates.
  • Inform the school nurse of any existing health conditions that your child has by completing the Student Emergency/Medical Information form in 11th grade, upon transfer into SMHS, or if your child develops a new health condition.
    • This form also contains the a provision if you would like your child to receive the standing order for acetaminophen or ibuprofen for occasional headaches or discomforts. Please check the appropriate boxes on the form if you want your child to have these medications when needed and ensure that this form is returned to the school nurse.
  • Provide medication, supplies and written provider authorization (Medication Administration Form) when a student requires medication or treatment in school. Emergency medications such as Albuterol and Epinephrine are especially important to have available in school. It is impossible to predict when a student may need these treatments. These types of medications should be available for any child who has a history of needing them in the past.
  • Update emergency contacts when they change, if your child is ill or injured we need to be able to contact you as quickly as possible. We are not permitted to send ill or injured children home alone, someone must pick them up, please identify 2 responsible adults for this task in the event you are not able to pick your child up at school.
  • Ensure that your child receives follow up care at an appropriate provider when notified of a vision, hearing or growth screen failure.

Medication in School

When a student requires medication to function in school that cannot be administered outside of school hours, a parent may provide a supply of the medication to the school nurse in a pharmacy labeled container along with a Medication Administration Form completed by the healthcare provider and signed by the parent. When all these requirements are met a student may receive the medication in school.

This process is the same when the medication is an over the counter medication. Medication is to be dropped off at school by a responsible adult. Students are not permitted to carry medication to, from or in school, unless it is an emergency medication that has been authorized to be self-carried by the primary care provider.

Students who experience a minor, non-chronic complaint of pain or discomfort may receive acetaminophen from the school district standing order, provided the parent or guardian has signed for this service on the Student Emergency/Medical Information form distributed in September. Each of these medications is provided to alleviate discomfort so the student may attend classes. Persistent and recurrent complaints will require authorization from the students’ primary care provider for repeated doses of medication.